Dan Ady, founder of Sawtooth Outdoor Products, a small business located here in the Treasure Valley reached out to us to design a booth for the upcoming ATA show. Dan currently holds several patents but was wanting to market his most recent, and very creative product… the Serveless Peep It. It acts as a peep site for bow hunters. While that idea isn’t new, Dan has come up with a way of making the installation of this peep site take only a few seconds.
It was up to us to create a visually striking graphic while sticking to a “startup budget”. We agreed on our 8’x10’ 4 sleeve with a table drape. The 4 sleeve would serve as the main background of his booth while the table drape would be at the front of his booth. This allowed him to demonstrate his product with a beautiful design element behind him.
When I started on this design I didn’t have much to work with. I started out by looking through the companies website to draw inspiration from their existing designs. Without much luck, I reached out to Dan to see if he would be able to bring some of his products to me. This would allow me to take some high quality photos so that I would have a starting point. Having taken tens of thousands of product photos, I knew that I would be able to at the very least, showcase his product in a professional, clean, and visually appealing manor.
Dan didn’t just show up with his products, he also brought his bow. As a photographer I took this golden opportunity to take some “action shots” of him drawing his bow as he looked through the Peep It. After taking photos from several angles I finally decided on a third person perspective and took a photo from over his shoulder. My camera was dialed in with a 1.8f aperture which blurred out both Dan and his bow but left his Peep It perfectly clear. This was the shot I was looking for.
In editing the photo and playing around with some different color corrections, I managed to reduce the saturation of all color in the photo but left the green in his bow strings with a higher saturation value. This left the photo with some beautiful leading lines to draw your eyes directly into its center where the Peep It was located.
Now that I had the main composition of the design done I needed a simple way to display some of his product variety. This was achieved by placing three of his products over a white background named with a simple font. Finally, I placed his logo over a black background to allow the orange in his logo stand out.
The design was done, Dan loved it, and it helped him in his efforts to pull in a lot of attention at his show. He emailed me after the show to tell me that he had some serious interest in his Peep It.