So you’ve decided to up your game and invest in a professionally designed trade show exhibit! That’s great news! Before you spend the money, take some time and really think about what you want to achieve. This is not a decision to be taken lightly. Thousands of people will see your trade show exhibit. Make sure it’s everything it can be!
Trade shows can be overwhelming for attendees and vendors alike. If you give people too much information they’ll forget all of it! Think of one thing that you’d like to make sure you get across and make that your main message. Keep in brief and make sure it can be read from a distance.
A 2015 article on said, “As a rule of thumb, try to create a 6-word tagline that a reader can interpret within 3 seconds. Keep it honest, and don’t make it too abstract.” Think about your brand while you come up with this tagline. A company the size of McDonald’s can probably just flash the golden arches and get their point across. Most companies can’t do that. Focus on getting your message across as quickly and efficiently as possible!
This kind of goes hand-in-hand with question number one. Your message probably depends on who you’re targeting. If you’re recruiting employees as part of a head hunting venture, your message will look to pique the interest of potential employees. If you’re looking to land that seven figure government contract, well, that’s a totally different story altogether. If you “begin with the end in mind” you’ll have a better chance to be successful. Be sure to consider your target and what you’d like them to do as you work with your trade show exhibit designer.
This probably depends on what kind of business you’re in. If you’re in the fashion industry, you’re going to need a different look than someone that’s in the irrigation supply industry. Regardless of what you’re presenting, you should find a local company with years of graphic design experience to help you get the most out of your investment.
Brandwatch listed “Get the Look” in their top 10 tips for a successful trade show booth. They said, “Buyers are attracted to good looking booths. Use bright colors and put effort into the design of your booth. It will make all the difference between visitors stopping or walking by.” Here’s one of our recent blog posts about the importance of “Standing Out In the Crowd!”