Our shop floor at Rock Your Show is always buzzing with activity. Exhibits come and go constantly. We stage them before departure and inventory them upon return. This a busy plot of real estate!
Managing the Chaos

Firstly, we focus on planning the send-out. Then, we make sure everything returns just as it should. There are many moving parts in getting exhibits to their destinations. They need to arrive on time and look their best during the show.
Strong Communication is Key
Furthermore, strong communication between departments is crucial. This coordination ensures that every exhibit, down to the last crate, is managed effectively.
Using Proven Systems
Also, we use proven inventory systems and standard operating procedures. These tools are essential. They help us keep track of every item and every detail. We keep track of everything, from giant crates down to single pens! Interestingly, we use a mix of analog numbering systems mixed with hi-tech tracking software.
Preparing for the Unexpected
Moreover, we know we can’t control everything. However, we minimize as much risk as possible. We always have contingency plans ready for just about anything. After all, in this business, surprises are common.
Ready for Anything

Lastly, we’ve seen almost everything in this line of work. {knock on wood} Our experience has taught us how to handle a variety of challenges. You’d never guess how common it is for freight carriers to damage crates or lose paperwork! So, no matter what comes our way, we’re prepared.
In conclusion, managing a busy shop floor like ours at Rock Your Show takes careful planning, strong communication, and reliable systems. We’re always ready for the unexpected, and our experience means we’re prepared for anything. This is how we ensure that every exhibit shines at the show. We look for the double thank you moment, which is a result both we and the client are proud of. Interestingly, this is how we measure success!