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Table Drapes: Digital vs. Silkscreen

BY: Ben Richard
POSTED June 4, 2023 IN
Branding, Display, Graphics, Logo, Tables

A common question that we hear, is whether traditional table drapes are better than the digitally printed dye sublimated table throw?

Traditional Table Drapes


Our traditional table drapes are pre-dyed fabric. The silk screen drape is made from a proprietary heavy-weight polyester based fabric. It is available in about 15 different colors. The logo is scaled to one of three sizes and silk screened to the front of the fabric. This process is basically permanent and will not fade over time.

The fabric is extremely resilient to stains which is handy considering the dirty setup environment the trade shows are often in prior to the actual show. Additionally, coffee and drink stains tend to be a problem for all table drapes, from exhibitors and attendees setting drinks on them. This fabric is actually very resilient to these type of stains also.  You can wash and dry these table throws, as well as iron them (ask us for care instructions if you need them).

Digital Printed Dye Table Throws


Our digitally printed dye sublimated table throws are just that… we start with a white polyester based fabric and digitally print the color, imagery, and / or logo to it via a dye sublimation process.  We find this method appropriate when Clients are in need of PMS matching, or have a specific background color they need to match. The process is permanent and very durable. However, side by side the silk screen drape is much more resilient to stains and the color will far outlast the dye sub drape. 

That being said, our opinion is that the drape will be lost or the logo will change far before either method will wear out. Therefore, if you only need your logo on a table throw, do it via silk screen.  If you are wanting imagery or custom colors go digital.


Contact us with any questions you may have on any of our graphic design services!

Ben Richard
Graphic Design Manager | Board Game Junky & Toy Collector

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